Farmer Focused Innovations

At Leading Edge Industries, we focus on the hard problems and gaps in the agricultural industry. Through vision and an attitude that everything is possible, we innovate and build first-of-a-kind products that are designed to dramatically increase bottom lines and make the producer’s life easier.
Our company is founded by fifth-generation farmer Shawn Gengerke and based in Groton, South Dakota. Today, we market the Bin SumpPRO™, The Load Judge™ and Operation Harvest Sweep™, three patented technologies designed to help today’s farmers save time and money, while increasing safety.

Guiding Principles
People must always be more important than products.
Keep away from pride in your own programs, plans and successes.
Remember that God’s will and Word must never be compromised.
People must always be considered above making money.
Do what is right, no matter what the cost.
Envision and innovate products that are worthwhile, not just things that feed the worlds desires.