Every Load. On The Money.
Increase Grain Loading Efficiency With The Load Judge.

Load Grain Efficiently Without Leaving the Cab
Traditionally, loading grain trailers has either been a two-person job, or it has required one person to pull off extraordinary feats to do it alone. The Load Judge monitoring system cuts down on labor needs and enhances safety by turning the task into a true one-man job…all done from the seat of your cab.
The Load Judge is adaptable for any grain type, benefiting farmers and commercial haulers alike. The system can perform in any conditions. Unlike camera systems, where dirt or darkness can block the view, it senses proximity even through dust and dirt. Day or night, wet or dry…we deliver the data to load your grain trailer accurately.

How It Works
From Your Trailer
The system compiles data received from six self-calibrating sensors and one moisture sensor inside a grain trailer. This data is inputted into a predetermined algorithm. The system senses proximity and calculates the shape and size of the impending load.
To Your Cab
Calculated data is instantly transmitted to a free app for the driver’s smartphone or tablet. The entire process can be monitored from the comfort and safety of the cab, leaving the driver to simply pull the trailer ahead as needed while loading occurs.
Monitor Commodity Distribution
The Load Judge monitoring system takes the guessing game out of the loading process. With the ability to monitor the distribution of grain right from the cab as loading occurs, users can ensure the load is properly dispersed on the trailer axles from the very beginning, avoiding the need for any later adjustments.
Accurate Loads
By providing data immediately as it’s collected in real time, the system allows users to load grain trailers with confidence. Because every load is on the money, drivers can easily achieve optimal loads that maximize the value of each haul, thus improving profit margins every time. Note: The Load Judge is not a certified scale. It is the user’s responsibility to certify his or her weights.
Quicker Loads
The free Load Judge app comes pre-programmed with loading configuration graphics for all trailer makes and models. This allows all drivers to simply monitor the real-time conditions on the app from the comfort of the cab and pull the trailer forward as needed, ensuring a fast and accurate loading process. By loading more efficiently, The Load Judge can also help operators haul more loads in a day.
The Load Judge system allows the driver to handle the entire grain loading operation from the comfort of the cab. Consequently, there’s no need for anybody to be working in or around the trailer itself, leading to a much safer work environment. No more standing in the cold. No more breathing in grain dust.
Order your Load Judge today!

Product Videos
The Load Judge
Night Video 1
Night Video 2
App Features
Using patented (U.S. Patent Nos. 9,085,381 and 9,169,032) high-tech sensors and a user-friendly app on your smartphone or tablet, The Load Judge allows you to load your grain consistently with repeatable results that enhance your bottom line.

Load judge results speak for themselves,
but don't take our word for it.
Harvey Fliehs - Groton, SD
We have a lot of retired guys that drive truck, and it can be difficult for them to get in and out of the cab to check the load. The Load Judge keeps my employees in the comfort of the truck and out of the dust. We also like the moisture sensors, which help my drivers determine which bin to dump in according to moisture levels. It’s easy enough for everyone to use without issue.
Greg Preszler - Roscoe, SD
With The Load Judge, I can always have a full load when I go into town. It saves a lot of time and money by making fewer trips. And knowing what I have on gives me peace of mind so that I don’t get overweight tickets.
Scott Anderson - Andover, SD
The Load Judge saves a lot of time at harvest. You might be able to get one more load to the elevator each day before they close, and that pays for itself. It also keeps the combines running, and saves time when unloading on-farm storage.
Additionally, there are fewer people interested in farm work today. The Load Judge allows one guy to load the truck from the cab, whether it’s during harvest or 20 degrees below zero in the winter. Through the time and labor savings, I’d say The Load Judge can pay for itself within a year.
Galen Pokorny - Bellwood, NE
In my operation I’m basically by myself. Before getting The Load Judge, I had to get out of the truck to watch how the grain was dumping and guess where it should be. Then, I’d have to quickly get back in the truck and move ahead. I could end up several thousand pounds off, but now, I can just sit in the truck and watch the app, and I can get every load within 10-20 bushels.
Cam Wyly - Aberdeen, SD
I used to think The Load Judge was more of a novelty, but the load lines helped me identify a shortage when hauling some bulk fertilizer loads that I purchased. Because of that, I literally watched The Load Judge pay for itself in one day hauling. It’s a good product to have in your arsenal.
Sheldon Herr - Bristol, SD
The Load Judge created by Leading Edge Industries creates an accurate capacity of commodity in our grain trailers without having a extra hired man motioning me forward. I am able to load our grain trailer efficiently and accurately without guidance, resulting in maximizing my bushels hauled in a day.
Whats Included:
Implementing the Load Judge monitoring system simply requires the system components to be installed and plugged in to the existing trailer clearance lighting system. There’s no need to run a new electrical system or any other extravagant upgrades.
Six Sensors
Six durable proximity sensors are placed inside the grain trailer. The sensors are self-calibrating to collect and transmit real-time data to the system during the loading process.
Quick Attach Plug
A 7-way quick attach plug connects the sensors to the trailer clearance lighting system. Just plug it in and watch it deliver every load on the money.
Wi-Fi box
The Load Judge system includes a reliable, high-speed Wi-Fi box to ensure the load data collected by the trailer sensors is transmitted to the operator in real time.
Moisture Sensor
A dedicated moisture sensor indicates the moisture level and delivers the data directly to the smartphone or tablet, providing valuable information about how the load will pile.
Covered by a 2-year limited warranty
Additional base kit contents: Cable, double-sided tape, zip ties, cable tie mounts
What exactly is the Load Judge?
The Load Judge is a monitoring system that allows farmers, producers and commercial haulers to load grain consistently and accurately. The system uses sensors inside a grain trailer to transmit real-time data to a user-friendly app on your smartphone or tablet. The system is customizable for different trailers and users, and it delivers repeatable results that make the loading process more efficient than ever before.
How does it work?
Six sensors and a moisture sensor are positioned within a grain trailer. Proximity data compiled from the sensors is inputted into a predetermined algorithm that calculates the shape and size of the impending pile peak. The resulting data is instantly transmitted to a free app on your smartphone or tablet. Unlike traditional grain loading, the entire process can be monitored and adjusted from the comfort and safety of the cab.
How accurate is it?
The Load Judge provides consistently accurate and repeatable readings of the commodity. Coupled with the Save Load Line feature and patented (U.S. Patent Nos. 9,085,381 and 9,169,032) technology that can sense through dust, dirt and darkness, the user can set the exact load line and use real-time data to repeat the desired load every time. When densities change, the user has the customized option of multiple commodity buttons to record load line data and calibration settings for sustainable accuracy. However, it is not a certified scale. Users should be diligent when calibrating their own customized settings to ensure proper operation.